On our "Consigned & Used" items, sometimes you will see a "MAKE OFFER" button.
After you've clicked on the item you're interested in, you'll see a "MAKE OFFER" button.
Click on the button, and a box will appear with that asks you to make an offer.
Enter the amount you would like to offer.
Once you've submitted your offer, we'll be notified and will ask our consignor if they'd like to accept your offer.
You'll get a response of accepted/rejected/or a counter-offer.
If your offer is accepted, you will be emailed a special check-out code.
*IMPORTANT* You will need to be logged into your account to have access to this feature.
Click HERE for Consignments & Used Guns.
Oregon residents: If you are making a firearm purchase online from us, please understand, you are more than likely going to go in the FICS background check line of over 37,000. This means, that there's a good chance you'll still be in line on the 18th of December and are at the mercy of what the Judge in Harney County decides. At the point, there's a chance you'll have to get a permit-to-purchase said firearm. There will be no refunds for people that go in line and have to wait. Purchase at your own risk. That being said, we will continue to fulfil orders as they come in. Thank you for your patience! ~ Fifty1Fifty Tactical, LLC